Interview with Michelle Lesur

Newly appointed General Manager for Madumbi
Sustainable Agriculture, August 2019.

Q: Congratulations on your appointment! How do you feel leading Madumbi into the future?

A: Madumbi’s story has always been rooted in the “gift of giving”. 15 

years ago, Andre Fox, founder of Madumbi, was given a gift of madumbes in appreciation for the work he had done for a community to ensure sustainable food production. 

As the new custodian of this gift, The Madumbi Legacy, I feel extremely privileged to be leading Madumbi along its continued journey of changing the way food is grown; whether on a commercial basis, intensive basis or subsistence basis. As women, we understand the value and the need for nutritious food which is non-toxic and nutrient-dense. It’s exciting for me to be able to play a critical part in influencing the production conversation using bio rational solutions which work with nature, rather than against nature


Q: What do you believe sets Madumbi apart from other agricultural companies?

A: “Backed by Science, Loved by Nature”. Madumbi’s value-based vision for sustainable food production ensures that its core focus remains socially significant for future generations. Madumbi is an entrepreneurial organisation which has the agility to continually lead the conversation in biorational solutions. Its quantum team of biological innovators are continually providing integrated solutions to balance food safety with food security.  


Q: Please tell us a little more about Michelle, after hours?

A: I am fortunate to live on a farm outside of Pietermaritzburg. This affords me the opportunity to enjoy various aspects of nature with my family, who are the 5th generation on the farm. I recently completed the Otter Trail which involved walking 45kms along some of South Africa’s most pristine coastline.  It was a wonderful reminder of the beautiful country we live in and a powerful metaphor for the many challenges we face. This was a change from the cycling events I have traditionally participated in. Beach, Berg or Bush? Definitely beach, with my family, and preferably ones which are isolated and unspoilt.