Opinion piece: Biospecialist Gert Jordaan

The seasonal planning of any farmer should start with minimising the problems in existing production practices and the starting point lies is the identification and acknowledgement of these restrictions. A quality harvest depends on many factors and each of these must be planned and managed separately.

In soil management, it is important to take into account the soil type’s physical characteristics. Some soils leach and dry out more easily, whilst in others compaction may occur. The depth of the soil, soil type and plant available water, will impact crop selection and determine the preferred soil preparation practices. Yield depends on the right cultivar, soil type, lime/calcium, pH, water, light, temperature, fertiliser, etc. All these factors play an integral role for maximum production.

Soil health with specific reference to the root zone is very important. The calcium and magnesium balance, adverse influence of aluminum toxicity on nutrient uptake and the soil microbe population can be highlighted as fundamental talking points.  Calcium plays an important role in soil conditioning and the mobilisation of nutrients such as phosphate. It binds to and is absorbed by the root tips. Calcium also increases the absorption of other available nutrients and opposes aluminum, a heavy metal that is toxic to plants, limiting nutrient uptake.

Root exudates supply food to soil microbes and help in re-establishing a balanced, diverse soil microbe population in the root zone.  Microbes are invaluable in their ability to make nutrients and minerals plant available for absorption by roots.  Some microbes also stimulate the production of the plant growth hormone auxin and as such, restoring the biological balance in the first 30 cm of your soil is crucial.

Soil-borne pathogens that cause root diseases can be addressed with the use of beneficial Trichoderma and Bacillus species in the root zone. The correct isolates will colonise the roots displacing pathogens from the root surface. They can increase auxin production and promote the formation of roots and especially root hairs. The pathogens can be outcompeted and over time a healthy root zone with a well-established microbe population will be established. A well-established root system ensures the effective absorption of nutrients and good vegetative growth. A healthy plant is more resistant to plant diseases and insects.

The challenges on farm give us insight into the solutions needed. We will find what we are looking for, if we know what to look for. Sometimes it’s a small change that makes a big difference. Identify this!

Andermatt Madumbi products to remedy soils, as per Gert’s opinion

Gert Jordaan is an Andermatt Madumbi Biospecialist, based in Potchefstroom, North West Province. Gert is working closely with row crop growers in the region and also supports orchard crop growers in the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. For more info contact gert.jordaan@andermatt.co.za


Product registration details:

Eco-T®; Reg. No. L6938, Act 36 of 1947, Andermatt PHP (Pty) Ltd.

RhizoVital® 42; Reg. No. B4201, Act 36 of 1947, Andermatt Madumbi (Pty) Ltd

Opinion piece: Biospecialist Gert Jordaan

Die seisoensbeplanning van enige boer behoort te bestaan uit die identifisering van probleme in sy produksie praktyk en die vertrekpunt is deur hierdie probleme en beperkings te identifiseer. Gewenste opbrengste is afhanklik van baie faktore en elkeen moet apart beplan en bestuur word.

By grondbestuur is dit belangrik om die grondtipe se fisiese eienskappe in ag te neem. Sommige gronde loog en droog makliker uit en by ander kan verdigting voorkom. Die effektiewe diepte van die grondtipe en plantbeskikbare water sal help om die geskikte gewas te kies en die korrekte grondvoorbereidingspraktyke te volg. Opbrengs is afhanklik van die regte kultivar, grondtipe, kalk/kalsium, pH, water, lig, temperatuur, kunsmis, ens. Al hierdie faktore speel ‘n integrale rol vir maksimum produksie.

Grondgesondheid met spesifieke verwysing na die wortelsone is baie belangrik. Die kalsium en magnesium balans, nadelige invloed van aluminiumtoksisiteit op nutriënt-opname en die grondmikrobepopulasie kan uit gelig word as fundamentele besprekingspunte. Kalsium speel ‘n belangrike rol in grondkondisionering en die mobilisering van nutriënte soos fosfaat. Dit bind aan wortelpunte en word opgeneem. Kalsium verhoog ook die opname van ander beskikbare voedingstowwe en opponeer aluminium as swaar metaal wat toksies vir plante is en nutriënt opname staak. Wortel-eksudate verskaf voedsel aan grondmikrobes en help met hervestiging van `n gebalanseerde, diverse grondmikrobepopulasie in die wortelsone. Verskeie mikrobes stel voedingstowwe en minerale beskikbaar vir opname deur wortels en sekere mikrobes stimuleer ook die produksie van die plantgroeihormoon ouksien. Die herstel van die biologiese balans in die eerste 30 cm is van kardinale belang.

Grondgedraagde patogene wat wortelsiektes veroorsaak kan aangespreek word deur die gebruik van sekere Trichoderma en Bacillus spesies in die wortelsone. Die korrekte isolaat sal die wortels koloniseer en die patogene uitkompeteer vir plek op die worteloppervlak. Dit kan ouksien produksie verhoog en die vorming van wortels en veral wortelhare bevorder. Die afbestuur van die patogeen inokulum in die grond is hierdeur moontlik, wat oor tyd ‘n gesonde wortelsone met ‘n goed gevestigde mikrobepopulasie te weeg sal bring. Die goed gevestigde wortelstelsel verseker die effektiewe opname van nutriënte en goeie vegetatiewe groei. ‘n Gesonde plant is meer weerstandbiedend teen plantsiektes en insekte.

Die uitdagings op ‘n plaas kan ons nader bring aan die oplossings. Ons sal kry wat ons soek as ons weet waarvoor om te soek. Soms is dit ‘n klein verandering wat ‘n groot verskil maak. Identifiseer dit!

Andermatt Madumbi produkte om grond reg te stel, volgens Gert se mening

Gert Jordaan is ‘n Andermatt Madumbi Biospesialis, gebaseer in Potchefstroom, Noordwes Provinsie. Gert werk saam met rygewaskwekers in die streek en ondersteun ook boordgewaskwekers in die Mpumalanga en Limpopo provinsies. Vir meer inligting kontak gert.jordaan@andermatt.co.za

Produk registrasie besonderhede:

Eco-T®; Reg. Nr. L6938, Wet 36 of 1947, Andermatt PHP (Pty) Ltd.

RhizoVital® 42; Reg. Nr. B4201, Wet 36 of 1947, Andermatt Madumbi (Pty) Ltd