Eco-Bb® is a well-researched entomopathogenic fungus that provides suppression of a wide range of insects including whitefly, red spider mite, Tuta absoluta, leaf miner, woolly whitefly, false codling moth, and mealybug, amongst others. 

The wettable powder formulation prevents the active ingredient spores (Beauveria bassiana) from drying out due to a uniquely formulated oil coating. The formulation also improves Eco-Bb®’s UV tolerance as well as enhancing its penetration on the affected pest in the orchard/field. The dry oil formulation makes Eco-Bb® easy to work with in the field, eliminating the need for a pre-mix as the spores suspend and mix easily into water. 

A key advantage of Eco-Bb® is that each droplet contains several spores. This results in multiple spores germinating at once, enhancing insect penetration and facilitating earlier efficacy.

Eco-Bb® is certified for use in organic production by EcoCert under the EC and NOP regulations. This makes is suitable for use by organic growers exporting to both the EU and the USA.  Eco-Bb® has no withholding period, which means the product can be applied during the picking season as it is non-toxic. 

In my opinion Eco-Bb® is a perfect inclusion for a strong IPM program as it suppresses all insect life stages: eggs, larvae/nymph, pupae, and adult stage. We are investigating using Eco-Bb® as a soil application to target the pupae or soil living or survival stage of an insect’s life cycle, to weaken and erode its population over time. Results look promising. In combination with virus solutions, as well as Bacillus thuringiensis products, growers can build a biological IPM program that targets multiple growth stages and still complements conventional chemical insecticides applications.

Andermatt Madumbi supports growers with an up-to-date compatibility list and offers testing services to ensure growers can confidently tank mix Eco-Bb® (and other solutions) with conventional pesticide and nutrition products.


Attie Odendaal is an Andermatt Madumbi Biospecialist, based in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Attie supports a wide range of growers in the Mpumalanga and Limpopo regions. For more info contact

Eco-Bb® contains Beauveria bassiana. Reg. No. L8469, Act No. 36 of 1947. Andermatt PHP (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. No. 2003/007987/07.

Eco-Bb® is ʼn goed nagevorste entomopatogeniese swam wat ʼn wye reeks insekte onderdruk, en dit is reeds geregistreer teen witvlieg, rooispinmyt, Tuta absoluta, blaarmyner, wollerige witvlieg, valskodlingmot en witluis.

Die benatbare poeieragtige formulering verhoed dat die aktiewe bestanddeelspore (Beauveria bassiana) uitdroog as gevolg van ʼn uniek geformuleerde olielagie. Die formulering verbeter ook Eco-Bb® se UV-verdraagsaamheid sowel as sy penetrasie vermoë op die plaag in die boord/land. Die droë olie-formulering maak Eco-Bb® maklik om mee te werk in die veld. Dit skakel die hele vooraf vermeng stap uit aangesien die spore maklik in water meng en suspendeer.

ʼn Belangrike voordeel van Eco-Bb® is dat elke druppel verskeie spore bevat. Dit lei daartoe dat veelvuldige spore gelyktydig ontkiem, wat insek penetrasie verbeter en vroeë doeltreffendheid fasiliteer.

Eco-Bb® is gesertifiseer vir gebruik in organiese produksie deur EcoCert onder die Europese Unie en NOP (Nasionale Organiese Program)-regulasies. Daarom is Eco-Bb® geskik vir gebruik deur organiese produsente wat na beide die EU en die VSA uitvoer. Eco-Bb® het geen weerhoudingsperiode nie, wat beteken die produk kan gedurende die oes- en plukseisoen toegedien word aangesien dit nie toksies is nie.

Na my mening is Eco-Bb® ʼn perfekte middel om in ʼn sterk IPM-program in te sluit, aangesien dit alle insek lewensstadiums onderdruk: eiers, larwes/nimf, papies en volwasse stadiums. Ons ondersoek die gebruik van Eco-Bb® as ʼn grondtoediening om die grondstadium of grond oorwinteringstadiums van ʼn insek se lewensiklus te teiken, om hul populasie mettertyd te verminder. Resultate lyk belowend op hierdie stadium en sal gebruik word vir registrasie. Produsente kan ʼn sterk biologiese IPM-program bou, wat veelvuldige groeistadiums teiken, deur Eco-Bb® in kombinasie met virusoplossings,  Bacillus thuringiensis-produkte, en konvensionele insekdoderopsies, toe te dien.

Andermatt Madumbi ondersteun produsente met ʼn opgedateerde versoenbaarheidslys om te verseker dat produsente met selfvertroue Eco-Bb® (en ander oplossings) met konvensionele plantbeskermingsmiddels en bemesting kan meng. Produkte wat nie tans op die lys is nie, kan ook getoets word.


Attie Odendaal is ʼn Andermatt Madumbi Biospesialis, gebaseer in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Attie ondersteun ʼn groot area van produsente in die Mpumalanga- en Limpopo-streke. Vir meer inligting, kontak Attie by:

Eco-Bb® bevat Beauveria bassiana. Reg. Nr. L8469, Wet No. 36 of 1947. Andermatt PHP (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 207, Nottinghamroad, 3280. Reg. Nr. 2003/007987/07.