There are many different strains of the beneficial fungi Trichoderma but not all function in the same way.  This is why we believe in selecting specific strains for specific results.

We provide two different bio crop protection solutions that use Trichoderma as the active ingredient.

Eco-T® – Below ground

Trichoderma asperrellum strain kd is the active ingredient in our soil health solution, Eco-T®. This strain of Trichoderma was isolated from plant roots found in local South African soils and was found to be the best performing strain when compared to a 1000 other strains. It is well adapted to the rhizosphere where it fights off soil borne diseases and enhances root growth.

Eco-77® – Above ground

Trichoderma atroviride strain 77B is the active ingredient in our foliar applied, Eco-77® product. This strain of Trichoderma was isolated from the aerial environment and is well adapted to the challenges of this environment, such as UV and high temperatures. Eco-77® has been shown to survive on a pruning wound for up to 12 months. It is an aerial specialist that protects plants against the onslaught of other pathogens.

At Andermatt Madumbi we believe ‘Nature leads Innovation’ and take pride in the lessons our planet teaches us. In nature, the balance flows continuously and it’s an endless game of ‘survival of the fittest’. In undisturbed systems, nature always reverts to equilibrium.

We believe maximum efficacy is achieved by using the best strain for the specific purpose. For more information please visit or contact your regional biospecialist.

Eco-T® contains Trichoderma asperellum. Reg. No. L6938 and Eco-77® contains Trichoderma atroviride. Reg. No. L7495, Act No. 36 of 1947. Andermatt PHP (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. No. 2003/007987/07.

Daar is baie verskillende voordelige Trichoderma swamrasse, maar nie almal funksioneer op dieselfde manier nie. Daarom glo ons daaraan om spesifieke isolate vir spesifieke doelwitte te kies.

Ons bied twee verskillende bio beskemings oplossings aan wat beide Trichoderma as aktiewe bestanddeel bevat:

Eco-T® – Ondergrond

Trichoderma asperellum ras kd is die aktiewe bestanddeel in ons wortel gesondheid oplossing, Eco-T®. Hierdie Trichoderma ras was geïsoleer uit plant wortels in Suid Afrikaanse gronde en het die beste presteer teenoor meer as ʼn 1000 isolate wat getoets is. Hierdie isolaat is goed aangepas vir die risosfeer waar dit kompeteer teen grond gedraagde patogene en wortelgroei bevorder.

Eco-77® – Bogrond

Trichoderma atroviride ras 77B is die aktiewe bestanddeel in ons loof toegediende, Eco-77®. Hierdie ras was geïsoleer uit bogrondse plantdele waar dit goed aangepas het teen uitdagende omgewingstoestande, soos UV blootstelling en hoë temperature. Eco-77® vestig homself op snoeiwonde, en is al bewys om vir so lank as 12 maande na toediening steeds in die wond te oorleef. Eco-77® is ʼn spesialis vir bogrondse wat plante beskerm teen die aanslag van ander patogene.

By Andermatt Madumbi glo ons die ‘Natuur lei Innovasie’ en ons is trots op die lesse wat ons planeet ons leer. Daar is sterk competisie in die natuur, die balans wissel voortdurend en daar is ‘n eindelose wedywering om ‘oorlewing van die sterkste’. In onversteurde stelsels keer die natuur altyd terug na ewewig.

Ons glo dat maksimum doeltreffendheid bereik sal word deur die beste ras vir die spesifieke doel te gebruik. Vir meer inligting besoek gerus of kontak jou plaaslike Biospesialis.

Eco-T® bevat Trichoderma asperellum. Reg. Nr. L6938 en Eco-77® bevat Trichoderma atroviride. Reg. Nr. L7495, Act Nr. 36 of 1947. Andermatt PHP (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. Nr. 2003/007987/07.