Andermatt Global Receives The Bernard Blum Silver Award 2022 For The Most Innovative Biocontrol Product Of The Year: Plutex
The Andermatt in Africa team would like to congratulate and share the success of sister company, Andermatt BioControl Suisse, on being awarded Silver in The Bernard Blum Award. This award is presented annually by the IBMA (International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association).
“We are honoured to receive the Bernard Blum Silver Award 2022 for the most innovative biocontrol product of the year, Plutex.”
– Dr Heidi Widmer, Plutex Product Manager, Andermatt BioControl Suisse
Plutex is our newest baculovirus product – developed and produced in Switzerland. The bioinsecticide is for the specific control of Diamondback moth (DBM) – a devastating pest in cruciferous crops. With its new mode of action, this product is the perfect tool for resistance management. Plutex is easy to integrate in pest management programs and completely safe for the environment, aligning to our vision of ‘Healthy Food and Healthy Environment, for all’.

Diamondback moth and Plutex – what does this mean for Africa and South Africa?
Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is a destructive pest in local cruciferous crops with the larval stage feeding on leaves, stems, flowers and pods. The pest migrates over long distances, has a high reproductive potential with up to fourteen generations per year, and appears to be developing resistance to many insecticide classes.
‘Locally Plutex has been included in screening trials over the past growing season and it is included in registration trials for the 2022/2023 season. The focus is not only on
cabbage but includes new crops where DBM has become economically important. Plutex suits the Integrated Pest Management approach because it has no effect on DBM predators and parasitoids allowing these beneficials to assist with the reduction of populations on the target crop.’
– Sias Leipoldt, Business Lead Product Portfolio Management Andermatt Madumbi
Plutex has been submitted for registration in Mozambique and the Andermatt in Africa team expects the registration to be approved early in 2023.
‘We are excited about the imminent registration of Plutex in Mozambique. This bioinsecticide, the first of its kind in Africa will add significant value to both commercial and small scale growers. Cruciferous crops (Brassica’s in particular) are a staple food, grown all year round and we look forward to expanding the reach of quality, biological solutions to all regions of the continent.’
– Dr Michael Niland, Andermatt Business Development Central and Eastern Africa.
‘Congratulations. Diamondback moth is a very challenging pest and is causing great damage on Tender Stem Broccoli (TSB) and other brassica crops. Now farmers will be able to smile if this works for them. Thank you for giving us confidence in this solution’
– Stephen Musyoka, Andermatt Kenya General Manager, shared this message from one of their largest export growers.

Stephen Musyoka (Andermatt Kenya),
Heidi Widmer (Plutex Product Manager,
Andermatt BioControl Suisse) and Andre Fox (Andermatt in Africa) at ABIM 2022

Andermatt Madumbi team members
at the award ceremony, Michelle Lesur,
Wilma Mac Pherson and Ben Krog