Citrus flower moth (Prays citri) (also known as Lemon borer or Citrus blossom moth) occurs in all citrus production regions in South Africa and, until recently, no product has been registered in South Africa for its control. It attacks all citrus species but is partial to lemons (Citrus limon) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia). It has historically occurred sporadically but is becoming a regular pest. It causes damage to blossoms and fruit up to golf-ball size, and severe infestation levels can lead to fruit drop and significant yield losses.
Andermatt Madumbi is delighted to share the good news that we have received a label extension approval for Delfin® WG (L9761), against Citrus flower moth on citrus.
Delfin® WG is a key product in our Bio Crop Protection range. It is a biorational insecticide containing solids, spores, and lepidopteran active toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strain SA-11. This flowable granule formulation contains a variety of Cry toxins that cause mortality when ingested by lepidopteran larvae. Highly specific gut enzymes, which only function in the alkaline conditions of lepidopteran larval gut, dissolve the crystals to form the toxins. This disrupts the larva’s digestive tract, causing the larva to stop feeding, and the pest then dies due to paralysis of the mid gut, osmotic shock, and septicaemia. Good coverage of the feeding areas (blossoms and fruit) is critical for the suppression of Citrus flower moth larvae using Delfin® WG.
We are proud to add a new solution to grower’s IPM Toolkits to support them in realising our vision of ‘Healthy Food and Healthy Environment, for all’.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Andermatt Madumbi team or your regional Biospecialist for more information.

Delfin® WG is ‘n biorasionele insekdoder wat vaste stowwe, spore en lepidoptera-aktiewe gifstowwe van Bacillus thuringiensis subspesie kurstaki ras SA-11 bevat. Hierdie korrelformulering bevat ‘n verskeidenheid Cryproteïenkristalle wat lepidoptera larwes dood wanneer dit deur die larwes ingeneem word. Baie spesifieke derm ensieme, wat slegs in die alkaliese toestande van die larwe derm funksioneer, los die proteïenkristalle op om die gifstowwe te vorm. Dit ontwrig die spysverteringskanaal van die larwe, wat veroorsaak dat die larwe ophou voed en dan sterf as gevolg van verlamming van die derm, osmotiese skok en septisemie. Goeie bedekking van die voedingsareas (bloeisels en vrugte) is van kardinale belang vir die onderdrukking van Sitrusblommot larwes met Delfin® WG.
Ons is trots om ‘n nuwe oplossing by produsente se GPB Gereedskapskis te voeg om hulle te ondersteun om ons visie van ‘Gesonde Voedsel en Gesonde Omgewing, vir almal’ te verwesenlik.

Moet asseblief nie huiwer om die Andermatt Madumbi-span of jou plaaslike Biospesialis te kontak vir meer inligting nie.