ABIM: A review
It was such a privilege to attend ABIM this year. The 2022 meeting was the largest in ABIM’s history. It has grown from humble beginnings way back in 2006, where just over 200 delegates from 170 companies focusing on biocontrol solutions met to share ideas and network...
Did you know? – A glance into the Pecan Industry of South Africa
The Andermatt Madumbi team recently exhibited and attended the SAPPA AGM and Info Day held at Hartswater in the Northern Cape. SAPPA – The South African Pecan Nut Producers Association is an organisation that serves the interests of its members by creating an...
A Bio(logical) solution for healthy grape production
EnglishAfrikaans Andermatt Madumbi prides itself in the suite of bio crop protection solutions registered for the suppression and control of pests and diseases on grapes (table and wine grapes) Two key products, Eco-77® and Double Nickel®55 offer quality, effective...
Bernard Blum Silver Award Press Release
Andermatt Global Receives The Bernard Blum Silver Award 2022 For The Most Innovative Biocontrol Product Of The Year: Plutex The Andermatt in Africa team would like to congratulate and share the success of sister company, Andermatt BioControl Suisse, on being...